Thursday, August 30, 2007


Math builds bridges. Science heals disease. What does fiction do? What real value do stories offer? Why read a story about a guy who falls in love, when that guy is not real anyway? What are stories for? How much do we need them?

FOR CREDIT, you must write one entry and make at least one thoughtful response to another entry. Use the above questions to begin your discussion. Try to use specific examples in your responses.


Use complete sentences in your discussion. Use correct grammar, or at least try your best.

Note: If your discussion includes the words “think,” “feel,” relate,” or similar transitive verbs, you must be specific: in other words, “It really makes you think” or “You can relate to it” is not specific enough.


Ms. Levine said...

Congratulations, Ben, for going first. Good start. But we could fantasize and have imagination, couldn't we, without having stories and movies, right? So what are stories for? How does seeing Bourne Ultimatum or The Matrix, both of which are JUST MADE UP, impact our lives, really?

Jen said...

To me, fiction is life. It gives knowledge and even history about our world. From literary genuises like Shakespeare, fiction gives insight on the feelings and emotions that is present in society. Reading fiction allows one to experience the mood and feelings of the author and also have a view as to what is happening or what is to come in society. Like during the Renaissance of the Middle Ages fiction stories like the Courtier by Castiglone Baldassare, set up standards and traditions of the idea person during the Renaissance period. These statements that were made influenced the people doing this period of time. Instead of newspaper and other things, fiction was like and still is a informer or something that keep you up to date. Whether its on world views, trends or even change in language and style, fiction has a major influence in society. To say that our civilization can exist without fiction is like saying that we do not need history. Not only is fiction a way of knowledge and understanding but is one of the ways to trace back to history and past lives. Although internet websites and history books are great ways to learn our past, fiction tells us what we need to know plus it is way more interesting.

Mrs. Hemi-Man said...

I believe that fiction was created to give us a direct visualization of our fantasies and imagination as well as some of our realities. Stories like "A Tale, Tell Heart" and movies like Harry Potter and The Matrix could never happen in reality but there are some individuals who picture killing a man because of his wierd eye or who imagine a world filled with magic, wizards, and witches. Since things like that are not prevelent or able to come about, we have authors, directors, and producers who bring the impossible to life through fiction which is really its sole purpose. To Ben's comment, good opinion but I think we would still be able to fantasize and imagine but we'd rather see or read about it actually coming true like if Jason vs. Freddy hadn't never been created wouldn't you still be able to visualize 2 monsters fighting to kill?
-Korlisha Roberts

Wojciech said...

I have to say that fiction is the center of all thoughts. Without it, our world would be so bleek and pointless. With no fiction there wouldnt be the automobile, the airplane, or any invention that a human created, cause they first thought of it when it wasnt real, and now it is. So in the end, fiction can become reality if you choose to pursue it. And to Korlisha's comment, good choice on movies to talk about and describe. Authors really can bring out the fiction and change it to reality.

Ms. Levine said...

Fuschia G.

Fiction is important because it helps let authors explore the unexplainable. It helps writers dig into their most desire and write about it or act it out. Fiction is very important because it gives you something to do when there is nothing left. Fiction is important because with out it the world that we come to know would be boring and very bland. Fiction gives you something to wonder about like a whole new world.

Fiction is very important because it gives you something to talk about. Also with out fiction we would not have been able to be introduced to great authors and directors like Steven Spielberg, Oscar Wilde. With out fiction we would not be able to enjoy all of the music that we listen to. This is because most of what singers sing about is make believe.

Ms. Levine said...

I think fiction opens a whole kind of abstract world in which anything can happen....maybe not in a fantasy way but in different situations there is no like set thing that will happen. For example in movies people can fall off buildings and get up and walk away....normally when we think of people falling out of buildings we picture death of big time injury.I also think that fiction takes us into different life situations that we are not accustomed to and opens our minds up about that...for example if a movie is about like takes you into a war without you actually being in a war. It lets you know about things and experience things you otherwise wouldnt.

I think in some ways depending on the fiction, it can offer us hope (like "maybe that can happen to me" or "at least im not that screwed up":) or even escape. Since fiction is not real, it can offer an escape from the real world. I mean imagination is different from fiction because you dont have to think of something yourself which makes it seem more real, which makes it more enjoyable.

Ms. Levine said...


Raven Smith

Everybody's talking about fiction and I think that it is great. It divides us from what os real and whats not. Witout it I think anyone would be able to imagine or dream. Books would be a waste of time to read because there is no fantasy invovled in the reading. Like for example I like the series of Harry Potter by J. K. Rowling. The book is about a boy that has powers and is fighting off evil wizards. Each book is filled with action and suspension. But it also deals with magical people and creatures. If this book was just about a boy who's aunt and uncle treated him bad, but the boy was just ordinary, I probably would'nt read. Not only can you make stories but you can get away from the real world. Some people need to take off thier minds about day to day life.

Ms. Levine said...

Fiction is important to our world because it allows us to explore the possibilities and impossiblities in our mind. Fiction allows for our JASON LIAO SAID:
mind and imagination to grow because there are so many different possibilities. Fiction is something we can share in books and movies but it is also something we can keep to ourself and basically like all the others have said, escape from reality. I don't think anyone goes a day with imagining something that hasn't happened. It is what we turn to when we feel bored, stressed or creative.

Ms. Levine said...


Fiction is most definitely a beautiful thing, and in no way at all is useless. To me, living in a world without fiction is like living in a uniform, non-descript, monotous and dull world. I very much agree with Jim when he says we use fiction to escape from reality. Although there are some non-fiction stories that capture our attention, and are twisted enough to engage us, they will never be able to live up to fiction writings. Fiction has the capability of providing fantasy and dreams that travel far beyond the routine norm. Sure, we can read a non-fiction story in the news about a serial killer that will captivate us and even frighten us, but it would never be the same as being thrown into a world of mystical creatures, enchanted forests, and some of the most descriptive ideas you will ever encounter. Quite frankly, reality can often just be boring, and without any kind of escape, any real time to imagine and allow our illusions to be written down and passed on to others, to allow them to consider and interrogate those ideas, what kind of world would this be? Ben, we can imagine and fantasize, but to keep those ideas to ourselves would be nonsensical. Fiction has been a staple in society for years and years. It is a part of culture as well. Some occasions and traditions that we celebrate with our families would not be the same without certain fiction legends and myths that have been edited and changed, heard through so many ears, and seen differently through so many minds. Our sources of entertainment are nearly always best when fiction. Even in tabloids, nobody wants to know a celebrity's reality. But stories about pregnancies, eating disorders, divorces, and outrageous stunts? People jump at the chance to read that, fake and absurd as it may be. I also agree with the claim that civilization would not exist without stories. Where would culture be? Where would technology and media be? Relaxation where we read and watch movies? Gone. Unless we happened to be watching documentaries or reading non-fiction, which while may be fascinating, does not provide the same incredible and amazing entertainment that only fiction can. Also, like Dana says, there is so much that has been left unexplored, and it is up to us to do that exploring! If we don't supply the world with imagery that helps mold beautiful, incredulous minds, who will? In fact, who will we become? A bland world without stories, legends, and creativity? If that is so, then lock me away now! We use our imaginations every day, and tell stories through art, films, and music. Fiction is everywhere! This world, this alluring yet insane world, and these minds, these radiant yet demented minds would be lost, and somewhat hopeless without fiction.
-Breeanna Greska

Ms. Levine said...


Fiction is not at all useless, it is what makes us humans unique to all other species. We use fiction to escape from reality; our dreams and imagination are just illusions of our mind. Like Ben said, the entertainment business wouldn't be the same without it. Books, movies, and technology wouldn't be where they are today. Because of fiction, inventors were able to create things beyond the limits of the mind. The world you see today was created by fiction, a dream beyond what is real that has now become a reality. A world without fiction would be a world without the capability to grow and question what is and what isn't there. How can fiction be wrong, when it has done so much for us?

Ms. Levine said...

I think in some ways depending on the fiction, it can offer us hope (like "maybe that can happen to me" or "at least im not that screwed up":) or even escape. Since fiction is not real, it can offer an escape from the real world. I mean imagination is different from fiction because you dont have to think of something yourself which makes it seem more real, which makes it more enjoyable.

Posted by Ana Banana at 7:46 AM 0 comments

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Fiction to this world is absolutely important. Our world would not be the same without it. The ability to create and explore the different aspects of our imagination is what makes human beings fanciful creatures. The fiction we create allows us to explain the unknown, like how people created the Greek gods to explain their world around them. They needed that fiction to live in this unpredictable world. It allows us to escape our own reality. It gives us an opportunity to convey a message, to move people deep down inside, and maybe change peoples’ minds about a specific issue. It a tool humans use to communicate to others, and keeping that in mind, one must not forget that there are some people who use fiction in a negative way. There is fiction put forth with bad intentions. It’s called propaganda, things told to hurt, scare and influence. I agree fiction is a great thing to have in our world, and it wouldn’t be the same without all the wonderful novels, plays and films, but at the same time you have to always keep in mind who is the creature of the fiction.

Posted by eli12 at 8:20 PM 0 comments


I agree with what Jim O., had said. I believe that fiction is a way for humans to escape from reality. Sometimes there are days were we can not find comfort in anything we do, so instead we try to find comfort that is not actually there. Sometimes a little illusion and a little fiction is what keeps our mind sane. Not only does it keep our mind sane it adds a little excitement and spice to our lives.

Imagining what is not there helps us live through another day because we don't know what lies ahead of us.Fiction is not only used in novels and movies, they are used in many medias today. In todays society a lot of fiction in the media is used. Most of the time we don't know what is real and what is not. We tend to be interested in superstar gossips in magazines and sometimes we don't even know if it is a fact or fiction. Fiction keeps us from concentrating on the negative things going on in the world. It helps us escape the reality of pain and suffering.

Posted by sanny890 at 7:06 PM 0 comments

people believe and some rely on fiction alot, i mean what would people say about authors that write books that are fiction.Its true,Ben said, fiction is for everyone and he's absolutely right, everyone imagines things that arent real,that could never happen.There needs to be fiction in life becuase we need to imagine the impposible of the non-fiction things. How would people see the technology now since we use photohsop in our pictures now to make the effects of the picture to make it look more coooler or better. Fiction is like a helping hand,to make the world a more interesting place.

-leticia Arriaga =D

Posted by leticia at 5:58 PM 0 comments


Fiction is the basis of our lives. It lets us explore the unknown and the boundaries of our minds. Like Jim said, it is an excape from reality. When reading or writing fiction we can be whoever we want to be our we can become a whole new person, with a totally different identity without the criticism of anyone. Fiction explores the what could be's and the what if's of the world, just as in Science and Math; it's all a learning process.

Posted by dana roeske at 4:58 PM 0 comments

Ms. Levine said...


I think that is very true. Fiction makes life exciting and without life would be boring. Fiction is the path to happiness and peaceful bliss and I am very happy we have it.
September 4, 2007 3:39 PM


ben you are so right, fiction is a part of life that you can't deny that you need to make the perspective of something more intersting.All fiction is more intersting in real life like i prefer living in a fantasy then living the life i have now lol =D
September 4, 2007 6:10 PM


I agree with ben. Fiction is basically anything without actuality. Our minds would be dull if we could not imagine things like dragons and stuff. In a world without fiction, we would only think of truths and only what is possible.

Ms. Levine said...


I agree with what youre saying, Breeanna, but dont forget for every one beautiful radiant mind creating fiction there is also a mischievous mind out there creating fiction. And both have power to influence.
September 4, 2007 8:29 PM

Ms. Levine said...


people believe and some rely on fiction alot, i mean what would people say about authors that write books that are fiction.Its true,Ben said, fiction is for everyone and he's absolutely right, everyone imagines things that arent real,that could never happen.There needs to be fiction in life becuase we need to imagine the impposible of the non-fiction things. How would people see the technology now since we use photohsop in our pictures now to make the effects of the picture to make it look more coooler or better. Fiction is like a helping hand,to make the world a more interesting place.

-leticia Arriaga =D

Ms. Levine said...


Fiction is the basis of our lives. It lets us explore the unknown and the boundaries of our minds. Like Jim said, it is an excape from reality. When reading or writing fiction we can be whoever we want to be our we can become a whole new person, with a totally different identity without the criticism of anyone. Fiction explores the what could be's and the what if's of the world, just as in Science and Math; it's all a learning process.

Jimmy(Jer) Chen said...

I think fiction is a way to create an image that can't really happen in reality. Fiction is a way to help the mind expand more to imaginations. Fiction is something you can enjoy reading without learning something. It's like reading mystery books where the characters murder someone in a way we would have never thought of or could never do because it's not real. To me, fiction is a way to relax when you are tire of reading nonfiction.

Jimmy(Jer) Chen said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jimmy(Jer) Chen said...

What Jason is right. People are sometimes tire of reality, so they go for fiction. They can have it what ever way they want making it relaxing.

sahndra said...

Fiction is a sort of motive to live, people now a days love seing fiction movies and reading fiction books because even though they can't relate they wish they did. It gives people a break from their own lifes. It inspires people for either good or bad. Fiction is like another life that we only live in our heads. You could also relate daydreaming to fiction is like writing our own books or making our own movies. Everyone at times needs some sort of help or pause of the problems one has, and going into a fake world where things only happend when and where you want to is perfect. Fiction makes reality be real.

Chocolate Lady said...

This is Raven, and I believe fiction helps people escape the real world. It can be a stress reliever from everything that is going on in peoples lives. It allows us to let our minds relax, not to think so much. As children we have very big imaginations; we have imaginary friends and imaginary tea parties(well at least I used to). As we become older we have to become more serious and have alot of responsibilities to deal with; fiction allows us to escape all of that. When your in a bad mood or predicament you can imagine yourself elsewhere. Fiction lets us see what society won't.

cynthia said...

Well to me fiction gives us an insight as to what people think is unimaginable. People have imaginations, they have dreams. We start using our imaginations as little kids. When kids claim they have imaginary friends that contributes to the fiction factor. In a way fiction can help some of us escape this kaotic world we live in. I agree with what raven said about it helping us escape our problems in real life. Its an almost gratification that you could be left alone and just have time for yourself. Fiction can be used as a form of paradise. The unimaginable can happen. People have their fantasies. Fiction brings up things most people wouldn't even dare to talk about or even think about. In stories the narrator or author gives us their point of view. People get ideas from fiction, how do movie directors get their ideas for horror films? Its mainly based on fiction I believe. Take the movie "King Kong" for example I wouldv'e never have thought about a gorilla climbing onto the top of the Empire State Building, its unimaginable and thats why it contributes to fiction. Fiction does in fact impact our lives, it gives us a second door to walk through, another view of things. Fiction in fact lets our imaginations run wild and I believe that is a good thing because our world and lives would be so boring. Fiction makes everything more exciting.

Anonymous said...

im a man of few words...fiction is nearly the soma to our literary world.

MissJami said...

Fiction is an expansion of one's understanding or imagination. For some reason, this very subject captures people's attention. Sometimes things are so unbelievable that a little bit of fiction can make them realistic. I completely agree with Breeanna when she stated, "fiction has been a staple in society for years and years." Think of the different stories that were told about the creation of the world. For example, the Asian culture believed that the earth was a giant egg that cracked into existence. In the Bible, Christians believe that God created the heavens and earth in seven days. No one really knows if these explanations are true, but they did answer many questions about creation. These stories offer guidance to people and in some cases, it keeps them sane. Fiction puts a twist on a true story in attempts to make it more interesting. Many people enjoy reading novels because the events are so surreal that they want to believe them. They want to appear normal to society's superego, but they also have crazy feelings that they want to keep hidden. Such a novel is Harry Potter. This book has captured audiences all around the world because people like the occult presented in them. Although there are some believers of witchcraft, reading about it won't stir up so much attention. "The Crucible" by Miller exhibited some elements of the true events of the Salem Witch Trials. The characters were real but their ages were incorrect. Abby, the main character, was actually about ten years-old. Making her appear older than she actually was made the play more realistic and appealing. All and all, just as Jim stated, fiction is an escape from reality. It is a safe way for people to become socially accepted and to just have fun!

Anonymous said...

oh and im Isaias.

Abigail said...

Fiction lets us leave one world an enter another. I do not believe that fiction is bad but I do believe that it takes us away from reality. In a way fiction blinds the mind of many people. In our culture fiction is excessively used to take us away from the things around us. Fiction draws us into a world that is not real and that could never happen. For example, in the movie The Matrix, Neo was forced to believe that the system that he was living in was real. In reality, that is what he was forced to believe, until he was given a choice. When given the chance to escape the only system Neo knew, he took that opportunity and his eyes were finally opened to reality. In our culture we are bombarded with fictional and unrealistic ideas and images that are used to manipulate our minds. We are drawn into a world of fiction that tells us we need to be skinny, rich and famous. So while I believe fiction can be beneficial to us, it is often used as a way to escape from a reality that we do not want to be in.

Ms. Levine said...

That's an interesting way of looking at fiction, Abigail, and depressing, too.

Does it count as fiction anymore if someone is trying to pass it off as fact? Is that something else?

Also, I want to respond to Jen's comment about fiction giving knowledge -- can someone make an argument for or against that claim? How does fiction give knowledge when it's not "true"?

® √ ¢ |< ¥ ° said...

I believe that the reason that we are attracted to fiction books is because the novel sparks a part of our imagination that appeals to us. It all depends on the person if it is a person who pictures themselves one day in a romantic relationship or dreams in being in one they will be attracted to that form of literature hoping to envisions and feel how the characters feel and hope to find something they can relate too in the book. If a person is attracted to horror book,science fiction or such action books it is because they find an element in the story that feeds their desire for that action or just plain feeds their testosterone and gives them an adrenaline rush a juxtaposition to their monotonous state of reality. Fiction books also work as an escape path to free oneself form reality and to enter a world where anything is possible, and where the most profound desires become a reality, where you can face experience even the worst of dangers from the safety of your house and where once can be overcome by insanity but be sane at the same,it is a library of emotions triggered by specific words.An example would be the description of the color white ; her skin was one of angelic white; her skin was one of cocaine white, luscious red, blood red, ect... One can also say that reading fiction books also prepares you for unexpected situations,for example lets say in the book the main antagonist is confronted with a hard decision to face, the reader is bound to stop and put themselves in their shoes and wonder what they would do if they where confronted by a similar situation and suddenly a train of logical thinking arranging reasons for each decision begins from there. So in other words there are more than 1 reasons why people read fictions books but one thing that they all share in common is the desire to feed our interest in a subject and get our mind in a state of bliss and satisfaction.....

Davis Garcia said...

To me fiction is for alot of things. Fiction is a way to get out of reality and to be thinking more imaginary. I believe that any invention created comes from fiction. Back long time ago like the 1890's it was only imagenary for people to actually see an airplane. Now we see it one everyday. About ten years ago I never dreamed about having an mp3 player or a cd player or even a dvd player. These things just didn't seemed to exist at the time they were only dreams to people. Fiction is what makes the world of art, books, and maybe even make some music fun. Art woulnd't be so artistic if it didn't had some fiction. Who say's art has to look like an actual object. There's some art that shows a different view for each person. In books fiction is used to relax people after a long day. In fact some movies come from books like "Holes". But reading a fiction book creates an image on you're head. And for music, fiction is used to add more touch to the songs and to make them more touching. Poems and songs are usually touching to you're senses that is if there's any fiction involved.

Laura_M said...

Personally i hate watching the news because it just informs you about deaths, wars between countries, corruption, and many other problems wrong with the world. Although it is a good thing not to be ignorant i prefer something else called fiction. Fiction for me is a whole different world. It fills up the empty space that many people have. It gives us the inspiration to wake up everyday and look forward for surprises. Sure we can indeed fantasize without having stories and movies like Ms. Levine said...but stories written by someone else are important as well because we get to share our imagination. Although a person's imagination does not have limits or boundaries it is a great idea to know about other people who imagine something totally different from what we imagine, especially if we agree and feel comfortable with what they fantasize with. Fiction has a major role in our lives. When were young we learn about a magical bean and a giant...about a fairy godmother and a prince charming...about slaying a dragon to save your true love...etc...and i believe that those stories are what makes us believe that one day when we are older we are going to live a happy adventurous life. It would be horrible if these wonderful stories werent in our lives as young children because we would probably have dull, insignificant lives. Fiction is hope for us. What makes us belive that there is a prince waiting for us...and if you try very hard you can change the world into a better place...and even if these things never came true you lived a life full of hope always thinking optimistically.

kasura said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lori said...

Fiction to me allows the reader to get a glimpse into other worlds/minds.It can tell us about our world in some way i.e. Love, hope, tragedy, and loss. I agree with Jen. Fiction to me is life. They tell the stories of our lives, and through stories we sometimes get a glimpse of ourselves and the world around us.

I believe that in some ways the author tells their story, but many times in an alternative sort of way. The characters they create are merely connections to their own personalities. All human beings are connected because we love,hate, need, and want...and From reading fiction,alternative author's view, it can help us learn more about the person with in, because we can see ourselves in the characters in the stories. Alot of times we can relate and sympathize with them. In other cases we loathe them because possibly we can see something we don't like, but what we don't like in that character could possibly be the very thing we suppress in our own personalities.

For me and some others, I believe that fiction can offer a gateway into another world in times when we want to get away from reality. Sometimes we have problems in our lives and escaping into a fantasy where the heroin goes through a great and terrible journey and comes out victorious can offer us hope and strength to get through our problems in our daily lives.

-Lori Moody

Supergirl_677 said...

Why is fiction of any value is a very interesting question. whenI read a story even though iknow its not real I love the entertainment it conveys. I love the way a story can tug at your emotions enough tomake you cry, laugh, smile, or just really angry. Ithink the purpose of ficy\tion is to build intelligance and character. Fiction builds character by what you see within the text and how you feel about many themes in the story. Fiction also makes you use brainpower which is sometimes frustrationbut it's for our own good, hopefully. We build our vocabulary as well as, our opinions. Fiction tugs our emtions as well as our thoughts. You may start off thinking one character is absolutely a jerk but once you get to know the character you may find out you sympathize with their pain. we learn to understand people. how they ac, why they act the way they do and whats possible wrong. fiction is more than a tale it helps us live our daily lives trying to understand the unknowneither inothers or in ourselves.

Pri said...

Fiction can be applied not only to books that we read but also to individuals lives. The introdution of fiction probably comes from our parents, with the help of the books that we read at a young age. A simple definition for fiction is something that is not real. That can include everything from Santa to fairies. Sometimes you have people that live their life in a fantasy world even at a young age. That can come from people lying to them or because that is what they want to believe. They believe things will happen and would fight about it until you throw in the towel. Of course fiction is more than believing in Easterbunnies. It is sometimes looked at as lifestyle, and even art. Fiction can help create a picture. Fiction is believing in the unusual. You can throw everything together and it would be acceptable; there is no set format. Fiction is essential because if it did not exist life would just be tedious. Fiction is the start of new beginnings. You can not put a limit on Fiction. Its everyting you want it to be and much more.

kasura said...

Fiction is a form of expression. There is only so much we can achieve in reality, yet we yearn for more. Literature allows us to fall into a whole new world in which we can let go the struggles of reality. It allows us to create a distant world, full of unthinkable desires and unspoken thoughts.

Fiction broadens the imagination. It allows us to let go of all the borders associated with society. It allows us to express thoughts without being socially wrong or an outcast. It even bridges different groups of individuals together, despite their cultures and backgrounds.

Stories allow for us to dream. Although we may hardly notice this, stories teach us lessons and impact our lives. Cinderella, for example, teaches us that hard work pays off whereas American History X makes us question the way we live and whether or not we are acting as good citizens should.

Literature is very essential in our lives. Without it, the world wouldn’t be the same. We would lack creativity, hope, and a world without boundaries.

I agree with Korlisha Roberts’s response. Fiction allows for us to think the unthinkable and dream the unimaginable. It allows us to create our own world while thinking. It allows us to express our own identities with a spark of imagination.

-Katarzyna Kalata

pcano said...

The word "fiction" can often be associated with our childhood. When we are children we don't think about our future as being something routine like going to work and never having any fun. When we are children we think the total opposite. We make up of all sorts of ideas, stories, and games to entertain ourselves. Fiction has a lot to do with our desires,some being good and wanting to help others, while other desires are evil and atrocious. Whether they are stories of monsters or of Kings and Queens, or fairies, it all has to do with something going wrong which has to be made right, and that's the part that we all look forward to. Fiction lets us live in a world where we don't have to listen to others and where there aren't severe consequences to our actions, because we all know that it won't affect our lives permanently. What would our world be like without those all love stories we all enjoy?(Soap Operas) Or what about that perfect moment when we felt like Superman after defeating that dragon and saving a princess in distress?(Shrek) What happened to that magical place where we could fly with the birds or live amongst the dinosaurs?(Jurassic Park) Those memories of whatever it is that we saw or read, they are still there in our mind. We refer back to them whenever we feel stressed or bored. I agree very much with what Laura said,"people's imaginations have no boundaries or limits but it is good to know that theer's a difference between our imagination and their's." We are all different human beings and we all think differently and have different tastes. Fiction is something that people of all ages can relate to, unlike other subject that can't be understood by everyone, like mathematics. Those scenarios created by directors in movies, or setting described by authors in books were created in their perspectives, but we often expand on those ideas and make them our own. We can't live without fiction!It is what makes us unique and human.

Pui said...

Fiction is a more interesting book than nonfiction. Who would want to always read about a person every day typical day? Not much people in the world are going to have some sort of amazement or special issues in their life. If everyone is going to have similar life story, is going to be really boring.
The creativity in fiction help builds imagination. Without fiction, girls would not fantasize about their ideal boyfriends/husbands or little kids dream of become a super hero. Peoples would not know moral they can use as a guide for life. No one will believe in the impossible.
Fiction give hopes and is the main reason why people believe in miracles. People like reading fictional stories about what they wish can happen in real life because it is interesting. Also, fiction can have help spices up different type of story. Like horror story can became more horrify or a typical romantic story be sweeter.
I agree with everyone who said fiction is a escape from reality. Peoples most of the time gets tired of reality. Fiction helps them become more optimistic toward life.

MissJami said...

I'm responding to the claim about fiction giving knowledge; I agree with Jim. It is a source of knowledge because people find it easier to believe what they want. Sometimes it is harder to face the reality of a situation when it is given to a person at hand. It's just like that saying, "A little white lie never hurts anyone." Writers can disguise the truth by adding some kind of vision they had towards what should have happened. Just like a sublimation message, people soak up new things without knowing it.

Mr. IB Cool said...

I think that fiction is a something good that was created in order for us to have some kind of entertainment that we can relate to. There are many types of fiction, but the type of fiction that interests me the most is realistic fiction.

AN example of realistic fiction is the T.V. show "Despereate Housewives." This show involves the lives of many surburban wives who have become victims of the crucial role of being "wives" or "moms". THis is an example of fiction because although it presents many ideas that are common and normal in our everyday lives hey are not based on real people or real events. This show is used merely as an satire of our present culture and it is a way of us seeing and becoming aware of serious ideas and issues such as adultary, divorce and murder, except in this case they are put in a comical sense.

FIction is for us to relate to commmon issues and ideas.

Mr. IB Cool said...

In responce to the man of few words..... Mr. Riding the Sky Hernandez, i am intrigued by the way you simplify and answer such a dificult question. I like the reference you made to "Brave New World" by talking about soma, "a powerful drug taken to escape pain and bad memories through hallucinatory fantasies" is just what i was refering to in my responce except mine was a lot more wordier than yours.

Rob a.k.a. the chocalate crusader said...

Fiction, to me, is a simulation of real life or an alternate reality. I believe the purpose of fiction is to entertain us and to also teach us a certain lesson through fictional stories. For instance, the "Boy who cried wolf" teaches us not to joke around too much because it may come back to haunt us. Fiction can also be used for viewing another person's perspective on society or life in general. For instance, "cut" is a book written about a girl who cuts herself. What's interesting about the book is that it's written from the point of view of the cutter. It gives us access to that person's mind and forces us to see the way that person does whether we agree with their views or not. This helps us understand that sort of person a little more, thus changing how we see or judge them. We might start to sympathize more with people who cut themselves instead of viewing them as psychotic or crazy. Fiction opens your mind to different worlds and different possibilities. Fiction can also be used to escape from this world and vistit an alternate reality. This is what I mean by entertainment. Someone may love to think about dragons and wizards and would enjoy to watch "the Lord of the Rings". These stories could still teach us certain lessons but at the end of the day they entertain us.

jamie i said...

In my opinion, stories are sometimes used to teach us a lesson, or get a message accross to us, since we often don't listen to what we're told, stories somehow seem to stick in our minds a little more.

Stories also work as therapy for those who write them, through stories, and on paper alone, you can record and write and create anything you want, and no one can tell you whats right or wrong, anything goes. By writing down what we feel and think, we can unload our stress and it many times does provide relief. Its like talking to someone who will actually listen to you.

stories can also serve as an escape from reality, many times we hear stories about impossible things, princess traped in castles,, dragons, talking tree, etc. which can help us forget the cruelty of the real world, and allows us to travel to a completely impossible, but almost happy world, where we can become children again, lost in our imaginations.
Jamie Islas

Monica Annaliesse said...

Fiction is there so that we can some how live out the questions, fantasies, and thoughts that live in our heads. It gives us an outlet to everything we can't control.

Fiction can help us to learn lessons, like in Greek mythology. The Greeks used fiction to teach their people, and send messages across to them so they could learn.

Fiction is not pointless at all. I believe it's there so that we can evolve as people.

**Just_Fine_By_Myself** said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
**Just_Fine_By_Myself** said...

I believe that fiction is important in our society today not only because is used as entertainment, it’s been around for too long, but it also allows the reader to escape from any problems he/she might be having in reality land. In the world that we live in today, we need a little of magic and fantasy to be able to keep a sense of hope in us due to all the killing, drugs, gangbanging and all the bad things.

They (stories) are considered to be valuable because they represent the power of the human mind. our (humans) minds are so strong that we’re able to create this huge story with detail and most of the times the places where the story take place don’t even exist. Also due to stories like the “Beauty and the Beast” and “Cinderella” love has been planted in our mind and our heart like this amazing feeling that will only come once.

Stories have helped us to create theories such as bad people are always going to get caught at the end; you shouldn’t lie because it will get you in trouble, etc. Reading stories about other people falling in love help to keep in mind the hope that love will soon come.

Lastly having fiction in our world helps it to get easier by the moment. what I mean is that the reason why we have the internet, phones, cars, planes, etc. is because our mind is able to go above and beyond using our imagination and fiction to create this things.

**Just_Fine_By_Myself** said...

This is for Mrs. Hemi-man aka korlishia:

I agree with you and completely love your first sentences. However, there are some questions I would want you to answer for example, don’t you think is a deeper meaning to fiction other than just bringing something impossible to life?, like people using it as an exit to reality.

Also I believe that what you said about the still been able to imagine and that we rather see it or read it but only to a certain extent. This is because the way you might imagine something the person next to you definitely does not imagine it the same way.

Haven’t you ever watched a movie and was like “men they should it had this or it would’ve been better if” that’s because your imagination runs further, we need fiction to push us a little but once the idea is in our mind we elaborate much until we’re satisfy.

Really we don’t need authors or directors because we can be our own creator, but we like to see others ideas to help us image things ourselves. Plus how do you think authors and directors get their ideas? With the help of others.

MissJami said...

Wow! I never thought about anything like that... That's a good point-of-view Korlishia. No matter how influential we may think a writer is to us, we are our own creators. I completely agree because I experience those different responses when I watch movies or T.V. shows with my family. When I think something is believable and very precise, they hate it; they don't believe it like I do. Thanks for bringing that to attention... Everyone is different and react differently to certain things.

oxcindeeox said...

Fiction comes from books,movies,media etc. I agree with the students who said that it is a escape from reality. Fiction is part of life. We use it when we just sit and wonder. When we sit and wonder, we just daydream or just imagine. It helps people to expand their minds. Even though we know that our imagination won't really come true, we think it still just to see what are the other possibilities. Imagination gives us a spark in life. Whenever we feel down or just in wonder, we just randomly imagine and daydream.

Pri said...

I agree with Pui and Jim. I wouldnt want to read about a typical day everytime i picked up a book. And fiction allows people to be free. Jim says that it allows people to escape reality. That is so true.


MissJami said...

Yeah Priscilla; fiction is just like an excape from the real world. I would go crazy if everything was as plain as it is on a daily basis. When I hear about these fantasy things, I get really excited. I can honestly say that some fiction keeps me grounded!

Dimpz89 said...

When I read a fiction novel,I tend to get lost in the novel. It allows people to throw themselves into someone else's world and imagine ourselves in their world. Reading fiction is a great way to lose ourselves and forget our problems. When we are reading about another place and time,it is as though wear are temporarily transported. It is a mini-vacation everytime you read fiction.

tacvba said...

Fiction is our escape from reality. It feeds our inner creativity and it’s really amazing in how in works to inspire us. Not only that but it opens incredible visions that people are able to see. It’s remarkable what the human mind is capable of seeing. Just as humans were given organs to function and survive I think we've been given the power to create fiction. It’s what keeps us sane. The world isn’t a perfect place and it’s only natural to want to escape for a little while. When we watch stories of a perfect word, a wizard world, or a world free of dictatorship and hatred (The Great Dictator, by Charlie Chaplin, watch it if you haven’t already), it seems to give us hope in our own world. I agree with davis garcia when he says that fiction is what makes the world of art. Fiction is like that little extra something in our world that makes a difference.


Anonymous said...

Im gonna have to be honest and say that most responses sound the same to me.
Estefania, you paint that picture very well. Personally, I never liked reading but fiction definitely attracts my attention. Music has all these different genres that attract people. Fiction is just another genre that attracts many poor souls. It (fiction) has a simple structure and followed by a horrendous amount of details. That is all it is in a nutshell.

Chika Chika YEA!!! said...

Fiction can be used to serve one's fantasy. We all know that some fictional stories won't come true in real life, but reading the text and understanding the story would allow us to put ourselves in the situation of the story. I am sure when we are little, most of us had put ourselves in the same situation as the characters in the fairy tales, and imagining what would we do if we were in their situation. Having the ability to do this helped expand our imagination. Our childhood would not be the same without these fictional stories. Also, fiction is a way of entertainment. Everyday life is pretty much the same for most people. Adults have to work everyday, and kids go to school everyday. So our world is pretty much the same everyday. But the events happen to the characters in a fictional TV show or story will rarely happen to real life people. So watching these events unfold would be entertaining for the audience or readers.

In response to MR. IB (un)Cool, I think he presented a good point there, fictional stories can be used to make aware of the serious events around us. These types of fiction can educate the audience and create a series of reforms to solve those issues. For example, a political fiction film on war can draw more support from other people to stop the war.

ecastro said...

To me fiction acts as a sort of parallel universe only accessible through reading. Fiction can take you places you've only dreamed of going. It enables you to dwell freely in someone elses mind. Opening the door to green goblins, boy wizards, and fairy tale fantasies. Fiction gives paper life and imagination a voice.It lets someone get there imagination down on paper where it will vivid and vibrant, as opposed to be weird and creepy when told aloud.
I agree with Estefania when she said that fiction is vital, like organs, to human civilization. Without fiction being present in t.v., film, plays, books, and the internet life would be depressing. Depressing because , sad as it may be, it lets us become ignorant to whats going on in the world for at least half an hour.
-erica castro

liveitout127 said...

Fiction is anything but just unicorns and dragons, it's a whole new world. Fiction allows us to walk in some one elses shoes and forget about our problems. Fiction allows us to get lost in a world that is not our own. So why should we read about some guy falling in love? Sure he's not real and the story's over once we flip to the last page but it allows us to feel what character is feeling and explore emotions.
Fiction is where the most ridiculous and unimaginable events can simply be explained by a deux ex machina. Of course all the real worlds problems can not simply be justified by a deux ex machina which is why we escape to a world whose problems can be. Fiction is a place where our imaginations roam and our fantasies are laid out for us. Fiction is not only a place of bliss but it is chaotic as well, and as I said before it is anything but just a happy ending, its where the good guy dies and the bad guy wins. It's where we learn to understand different situations and how they are dealt. Fiction both intriguing and scary. Basically I agree with everyone that it is an escape but almost everyone is saying it's so beautiful when in fact some fiction stories are depressing and even more chaotic then ours. I agree with kas that there lessons to learn when reading fiction. =]

~(8(I) -> Gigi Castro

abraham.ruiz said...

Fiction is human nature. Its in our nature to lie and make up stories and be creative, fiction is just a way to vent out those instincts of ours. If we didn't make up ellaborate stories we would be dull robots, cold and emotionless. Fictional movies are just like playing pretend when we were little kids. We get involved into this fake world or story and we enjoy it and have fun. Sometimes we get emotionally involved with the characters and we cry and laugh with them. I guess fiction aslo works as an escape to our lives. I'm pretty sure no one leads a life as interesting as a hero from a movie, our lives are pretty dull and ordinary. Fiction is a way to escape all the ordinarity in our lives and go into another world full of heros and villians.
-Abraham Ruiz

rickybobby1001 said...

I think fiction is for the mind to explore the "what if" of reality. We use fiction to explore situations, ideas, emotions, people, animals, and things to the fullest when they do not necessarily exsist in the world that we see. Then we use these concepts to convey concepts that do exists in our world that are almost impossible to grasp by ordinary means. For example a fairy tale that could never happen is used to convey a moral like bravery or something which you just can tell someone about it becuase how would you without showing it. Then trying to show bravery is unlikely becuase it not like when your trying to tell a child about it, you can just save someone from falling of a cliff. So through fiction we can imagine a world and situation that help us convey these concepts that we are aware of but arn't sure how to illustrate them.

abraham.ruiz said...

I agree with Davis, any great inventor had to use his/her intelligence, creativity and imagination to come up with something original and new. We wouldn't have any IPods if it wasn't for some person who thought it up. Inventors are just like Fiction writers, they come up with ideas that have never be thought up before.

rickybobby1001 said...

I would also like to reply to riding the sky's comment. I think that his few words say more than if someone wrote a book about it. This is because soma for everyone who never read Brave New World is a sort of pain releaving drug that gives you the "perfect high" because of no side effects or anything. I have read a couple of people's thoughts about what fiction is and I have my own thoughts. Everyone basically says that Fiction helps the mind wonder/escape/reiterate/etc this world and increases our understanding of it. Riding the sky's quote of "Fiction is nearly the soma of our literary world," says all of these things by the comparison of fiction and soma. So he is saying that fiction helps us understand/escape the world that we live in, and helps us fathom a new perception on it that we couldn't before.

rickybobby1001 said...

Oh by the way im Paul

javita said...

Fiction is important in alot of ways.First and for most authors write about things that have happened in the world but with fictional characters and places,so that u can learn from the persons mistakes and choose better actions if u come into that certain situation. Also to educate u on whats going on in the world but make it more interesting and exciting to read about. They write fictional stories about what they imagine will happen in the future or later on in our lives, so that people could think about reality and what our world is coming to.

javita said...

People need fiction to make their lives a bit more interesting. Most people our into soap operas and books like Harry Potter because it makes them feel like its more to life than whats in front of u. It makes u think further into things and realize life doesnt have to be all black and white but orange, purple, and green also.

gambino7 said...

My definition of fiction is simple. Fiction is all just made up. It's something from someones imagination or invented. Fiction is all made up as a purpose to argue the different materials. Fiction is entertainment for the world. It's either made up movies, books, shows, short stories, etc. Material to cause controversy. Ficiton is made by people that have a variety of ideas that wish their ideas could come true, which are basically all lies. This is how i agree with Korlisha or mrs. hemi-man. Korlisha said "I believe that fiction was created to give us a direct visualization of our fantasies and imagination as well as some of our realities." Which is how i also see it. Fiction comes from peoples fantasies which they would like to come true. For example, romantic films, they they are all made up with characters that seem normal and real, but in reality nothing about their life seems real. Fiction is too good to be true. Every guy or girl that watches movies like those wish they had that happily ever after, but guess whay? Its all fiction. So like Korlisha said, and I agree, its all a fantasy world of pure fiction.

~*~Ms.Barban~*~ said...

In my eyes fiction is letting your imagination go wild. There is never a wrong answer. Fiction is like a dimension humans created in their minds of imagination. Fiction is a healthy food for our minds. Reality could only go so far and then fiction could take over. Like what Wojciech said about the inventions today. They wouln't be created if the inventors didn't have the ability to use imagination. The world wouln't be what it is if fiction wasn't born.

Datbme said...

Fiction serves as an alternate reality for people who want to escape from their own harsh reality. For example, if someone hs trouble in their own love life, then they might find comfort in a fairy tale when a princess finds her Prince Charming in a "happy ever after" ending. Stories are a type of fantasy pertaining to how people want to live their life. Moreover, the neagative side of fiction may still appeal to others who find comfort knowing that they are not alone with their struggles in pain. For instance, in Slaughter House-Five, Billy Pilgrim had numerous flaws and personal issues to deal with, which made him seem less fictional. Therefore, the reader can relate to him. I think that the less fictional the story appears to be, the easier it is for the reader to connect with it. This may be true because even though the story is not real, the reader gets a sense of relief knowing that the character is in a similar situation.

Datbme said...

To Javita: I agree with the comment you made about the reader learning from the character's mistakes. A lot of morals come from stories because the story is there to help the reader learn a valuable lesson but through a more appealing, alternate reality. The purpose of including fables and morals is because people learn these stories at a young age and it is instilled in their memory, allowing them to become virtuous people. Additionally, I agree with the comment you made about fiction preparing you for the future. For example, "The Day After Tomorrow" is about global warming and the fact that the choices people make today can negatively affect the world of tomorrow.
By Cheryl

anisaface said...

Fiction provides us with an outlet to vent are frustrations out on and spill our absolute impressions on the world around us without any speculation from others. Fiction breaks down all barriers that are set by society. Fiction is just another form of social interaction. By reading a fictional novel one can learn another's personality without ever really meeting them in person. Fiction benefits the whole world because it is a time capsule of sorts that is created and read, and ultimately saved forever within the reader's mind. Fiction unites people and I personally enjoy a little science fiction. When I read I want to be taken to a different place. I don't want to read about a person like me, I want to experience something that will shatter stereotypes.

anisaface said...

I agree with my kid Robert when he says, " us access to that person's mind and forces us to see the way that person does whether we agree with their views or not". He hits spot on to what I enjoy the most about fiction. It's the best part about reading it. The author always tries to put their views on us, whether it be through a novel of fiction, movie, or play. I enjoy comprehending the overall message of a work of fiction. You learn more about yourself when you do it. Fiction swallows you up and you live within the world that was created for a specific purpose.

arielle said...

Fiction gives people the thought of imagey. It helps the reader think beyond the real and believe things that they wouldnt ordinarily believe. Stories offer the reader different visions of life and the things in it. Even though certain aspects of the story may be fake, their is still room to picture it realistically happening. in fiction stories, and in stories in general, you are scenerios that are for entertainment purposes.if there weren't stories, people wouldnt have dreams and ambitions.
-Arielle Williams

Ms. Levine said...

This is Dewayne Perkins

I believe fiction to is used as an outlet of possibility. This statement is coming from personal experience. When I read fictional stories a world not known to me is opened up. When I read books I put myself in the position of the character that I’m reading about. Take a book such as “Son of the Mob”, it’’s a book about a young man who is the son of the biggest mob boss on the east side and he’s girlfriend is the daughter of the cop investigating him. I put myself in the shoes of the young men and just looked at the possibilities of what I could do to change things, what would I do in a situation like this. The point I’m trying to get at is that fiction expands the mind and imagination, it puts me in situation that I couldn’t possibly get myself into, but by putting myself in a situation and using my mind to solve problems of fantasy and imagination stretches my creativity and imagination to places they otherwise wouldn’t go. So fiction is a tool to push the thoughts of human to a place where there are no rules, a place where thoughts can go lead to anywhere, no matter un unorthodox they may seem

Comment to sahndra

sahndra said...

Fiction is a sort of motive to live, people now a days love seing fiction movies and reading fiction books because even though they can't relate they wish they did. It gives people a break from their own lifes. It inspires people for either good or bad. Fiction is like another life that we only live in our heads. You could also relate daydreaming to fiction is like writing our own books or making our own movies. Everyone at times needs some sort of help or pause of the problems one has, and going into a fake world where things only happend when and where you want to is perfect. Fiction makes reality be real.

I agree, that was a very good interpretation of fiction. Fiction does inspire people, take me for example, “Harry Potter” is a fictional book but the context behind the fictional idea could relate to me in a way, and it takes me away from reality, I go into this other realm where I have no problems. Your response hit a personal cord with me. At some parts the response was a little confusing do to word chose.

Ms. Levine said...

Many of you talk about using fiction as an escape. Why is it an escape to examine someone else's problems (since fiction isn't fiction without problems and conflict)?

~*~Ms.Barban~*~ said...

Itz interesting to say Ms.Levine. Without people realizing it... Seeing someone else have problems gets the load off of them. Without being mean nor ignorant it helps them deal with their own problems knowing that they're not the only ones going through it. For example: When you see cartoons getting hit in the face and falling and drowing in problems and in accidents all over the place... it keeps us intertained and makes us laugh. BUT.. it were to happen to's a whole different I right?

ALAVAZ sergio said...

Fiction, to me, is the basis of all literature. It let's us think outside our boxes and reach our fullest potential. With fiction, we can think the unthinkable, basically. We can create places that are out of this world. Fiction allows us to be creative and not worry about what's right and what's wrong. Honestly, Life would be so boring without fiction. We wouldn't be able to explore the outside world and come up with crazy new writing ideas. Fiction leads to stories and skits and Fun. We create this magical world in which we can come up with anything. Without fiction, there would be no dragons, or fairies, or mythical creatures. No Harry Potter that involves magic and wizards. I have to agree with what Jim said about how fiction is not useless at all. It separates us and makes us unique from any other specious. Life would be so pointless without fiction. I think that fiction gives life a little spark and action. It lightens up our spirits and we're able to take something out of the ordinary and spice it up and create something totally new. It makes literature fun. That's what i think Fiction is.

Oliver said...

Fiction, to me, means creativity and the world needs to survive on creativity. Fiction goes into a world of "anything is possible" and "why not?". Everyone loves fiction. Let's admit it, Nonfiction is much more boring than fiction. We use fiction to escape from reality. There are just things we believe we can't do in reality. What can we do? Turn to fiction. Wouldn't it be cool to have wings on humans? Leonardo created a machine that resembled bat wings and it's now even debated whether he flew or not! Fiction is now nonfiction. This can bring up a question- Who started who? Did fiction spawn nonfiction? (the idea of batwings turned to reality) or did Nonfiction create fiction? (The idea of turning human batwings into reality) With fiction, we also use it as reason. Greek mythology was used to explain phenomenon things back then. We have moral stories for kids to listen so they learn not do or do certain things. So Fiction is for everywhere and everything. (does that answer the question? hehe) So the more harder question is "what is fiction NOT for?" As Einstein said "Imagination is more important knowledge."

Gaby said...

Fiction helps us escape reality, at least for a little while. It opens a door to a completely different world to the one we live in. Fiction kind of lets us fall under a spell. A spell where you forget who you are, what you're doing, and where you are. You let go of everything, your problems, your fears, and your stress. We would be nothing without fiction in our lives. Sometimes we need a little time off. Who cares if the guy who fell in love is not real! From the moment you read or heard his story you brought him to live. He becomes a real person in your imagination and that's all that matters.

ittybittyemii said...

Fiction creates possibility. I think its purpose comes from the curiosity of what can be. The purpose of a doctor is to heal someone physically, fiction can do the same by sparking up ideas in people's minds and healing them emotionally. Today, people may see fiction as something that can never happen, but long ago it's probably what made inventors think beyond the logical and realistic. Fiction can also show people a part of the world that they may never see in real life. Not all fiction is fantasy and fairy tales, so therefore it can teach a lesson without having to live through it or educate someone about a certain lifestyle that they couldn't comprehend before.

MissJami said...

Ms. Levine, it is an escape to examine someone else's problems because they are not your own. You won't worry that much about them because it's not really happening. Although sometimes you wish it was you or you are happy it's not you, the problem is not really causing that much of an impact on your life. Something bad can be happening to someone else, but it just sparks a mood within you. It triggers emotions that are hard to hide.

12345 said...

To me, fiction is the creation of another fantasized world by writers for readers. Fiction is created to fulfill our desires that we cannot get from reality. When you read fiction, you relate yourself to the characters or the events of the fantasized world to yourself. In reality, we all face problems, but it doesn't always end up what you want. but in fiction, there's always problems but most of the time, there's happy ending. For example, in reality, who is handsome,intelligent, rich (somehow), good personality, good to you, and at the same time, stable in love, is like extinct animals that you hardly find, but in fiction, it happens. Characters typically designed in a very infatuated style to attract audiences, and the characters most of the time end up with happy endings. We like that. Since we don't always get what we want in our world, we seek in this fantasied world to fulfill our desires of happy ending. Fiction is also to keep track of what was happening in our society.

ittybittyemii said...

I agree with anisaface. Her view on breaking stereotypes is definitely true with fiction. I understand that you can take a view of someone's life and diss it or embrace it without any hurt feelings. I know if you read a good fiction book, you can be left with a great impression that can change your mind and help bring you to a genuine opinion on a event or a person. I know with cliques and drama around people don't have an escape, but it really does "break barriers" into a place that you don't feel so judged and create hope to what the world can be like. Fiction can become fact and maybe that's what fiction does to people, it gives encouragement.

Morgan E. Stevenson said...

Fiction allows people to broaden their imagination and develop their own unique form of creativity. Through fiction, you can experience the innovative ideas of other’s minds. It can help you become more open, see things from another point of view, and teach you how to cope with certain situations.

Stories were created for entertainment and to record history. No matter whether it’s fiction or not, stories are just another form of oral history. We need them to spread information around the world.

Fiction brings out the truth of the writer’s imaginative thoughts. Even though the story is not true, it can speak to the bottom of the reader’s heart and help them to see things from another perspective.

In response to Arielle Willaims…
I agree with you. Fiction teaches people to see more than what is “right in their face”. It also helps us to expand our dreams to the point where “the sky is the limit”. It gives us ideas for our future endeavors.

-Morgan Stevenson ((period 2))

ICastaneda said...

Fiction is used as a medium to transport us a whole other world where one can escape from all of the facts and events that occur in real life. In other words, its somewhere we can go where our imaganitions and fantasies come to life. With fiction the impossible is possible, and that is the great thing about it. It really helps to read fiction or watch a movie because it takes our minds off of things for that moment...its sort of therapeutical. Because sometimes all one really wants to do is sit back, relax and forget about the real stuff.

ICastaneda said...

in response to abraham...

I agree with the fact that life would be boring without fiction. Sometimes I would love to be somebody else...maybe stop being the good person and become the villain. It just makes me wonder what it would be like...

mlsschdz said...

I'm going to have to agree with Isaias and say that alot of these responses sound similar, although I like the fact that everyone's added their own different opinions when agreeing with anothers response.

I do agree with most of you who say that fiction is an escape from reality. It is a powerful tool that gives us the opportunity to create a world where anything is possible, bet it better or in some instances even worse than the one we live in now. In most cases when people think of fiction, fantasy is something that goes right along with it. I like the fact that Gigi said: "Fiction is not only a place of bliss but it is chaotic as well". Not every story is a fairytale with a happy ending.I also like how Abigail pointed out some of the the negative side to fiction that we all might not have realized since we all seem to be stuck in the idea that fiction is really great, and it is, i'm not saying that it isn't. Many of you have already pointed out all the positive things fiction is capable of doing but sometimes we don't expand our minds to think about the negative sides too. After all, isn't that what fiction is supposed to do? Help us use our imaginations and look at differnt sides of things?

jimmyshoe said...

To me fiction is what makes most of us human. It is what makes us express our feelings and let it all out before we explote. its a way to let our imagination run wild and create all sort of things like flying dogs or talking cats. without fiction we probably would not even have an imagination because we'd have to stick to reality which can be quite boring sometimes.

I think that stories are actually very important. they let us express our feelings. without them we'd be dull and boring. fictional stories let us experience a whole new world. when life is treating us bad most of us want to escape it and go into a fictional world where everything is perfect and there is no suchthing as the IB program that tortures you. stories help us do this. I believe we all need stories and fiction in our lives because in a way its what helps us survive sometimes.

jimmyshoe said...

i have to say i agree with abraham.ruiz completely, without fiction we would be dull robots. we need fiction in our lives to express our emeotions and actually be able to feel we are alive.

I also agree with you that the fictional world is much funner and interesting than reality. i mean i would choose to live in a world with superheroes and villans than in a world with homework and school anyday.

i agree that we need ficton and stories in our lives all the time. people get tired of reality and they get so fed up with it that they want to escape. this is how we vent our feelings before we explode. stories and fiction are a must to humans their our natire and we need them to survive.

No P.U.N.K.S Allowed said...

Fiction consists of ideas and concepts that are not true. These thoughts can spark a desire in the reader/ hearer to replicate the things that were just read or seen. It can be an escape from ones reality. Fiction can be non-fictional events intercepted by one’s imagination i.e. “Saving Private Ryan”. It allows the unreal events to come to life, through art. Fiction can be dominated by social and cultural views. It is also a way for the author to express some of their deepest darkest desires and thoughts, and be socially and culturally accepted. It is a way for people to just kick-back and let go of the cares of this world and be at ease with the ideas and thoughts of other fascinated human being. Fiction is not just used for mere fascination with a topic or subject, but it is like therapy. It allows the artist to release a lot of their troubles not only in an entertaining way, but in an expressive, sometimes fearful way.

No P.U.N.K.S Allowed said... name is Kiara!!!

No P.U.N.K.S Allowed said...

I agree with wojciech. Fiction can become nonfiction. Good examples about the inventions and how they came about. without someone using their imagination and being creative, we wouldn't have the technology that we have now.

Jennifer Z. said...

I believe that fiction plays a very important part in our society. Anywhere you look, you will find works of fiction like movies, books, music, videogames, it's everywhere! I cant imagine our world without it. Fiction is needed as a sort of distraction from our everyday lives. Some days may seem a little repetetive and boring, so reading a book might brighten our mood. Sometimes I read a book when I'm feeling gloomy or stressed out, so fiction could not only serve as entertainment but it could also be a way of temporarily escaping reality. Fiction is a way in which you could let your imagination loose, and it also gives us the option of thinking obout experiences that might be impossible in real life. Reading a story could help you experience different feelings and emotions, and it could also broaden your horizon. I agree with Breanna about fiction being part of our lives, and that it makes our lives more exciting and happier. Without fiction our lives would be so dull and it would eventually lead to unhappiness and boredom.

Devlin said...

Fiction is apart of a movie to show us (people) how we handle different situations in life. Even though a fictional film is about a man who falls in love and in return gets his heart broken isn't real and the characters don,t exist doesn't mean that these situations dont occur in life, because it does. Fiction is here so people can get an understanding of how humans of different kinds react to different situations in different ways. To put an image in our minds of how life is or should be.

soxsuck said...

To me, fiction is an imaginary world. In that little imaginary world, we can see many things that can help us in various ways. It comes to inform us that even though that world is made up, we can relate to it in anything that comes around in our lives and in society. This world exists for us to see our mistakes and for us to perfection ourselves. So for example, we can read of what imaginary or fake people have gone through and from them, we can learn many things. We can learn how to deal with our problems and how to solve them. We can also avoid things from happening, using fiction. Like we can learn from morals from the stories and follow them. Even if the characters are animals, we can still learn from them as they are given humanlike qualities to reason like humans. And we as humans should use fiction not worrying about who the characters are, but instead learn from what they represent and what they teach us.

soxsuck said...

by the way:
my name is magdiel pillado

Devlin said...

In response to Raven, I kinda agree with you until Harry Potter came about. I do believe there's a difference between realistic fiction and imagination fiction. Realistic fiction is fiction that involves real life situations, stuff that happens through life. Imagenation fiction is fiction you can have fun with, things that won't actually occur, fiction such as flying horses. I would put Harry Potter uner that category.

soxsuck said...

I agree with Devlin
What fiction basically does is show us many situations of life and helps us know how to handle them. We could see that what happens in fiction novels or films, as described by devlin also happens in real life. Devlin also mentions that it puts a movie in our minds and i guess that it is true because it help us picture the characters and picture ourself in the character's situation.

By Magdiel Pillado

itx_shengyi said...

Fiction to me is my escape from reality. When I am reading a book, I like to imagine and think about what this person is doing or how they are. It is as if I am making a movie in my mind as I am reading this book. It’s like watching a movie, but only better because you are interpreting the book on your own and not having someone else do it for you.
Fiction allows me to dream about the “what ifs”, or the wonders that many people have. It allows me to break free from the world for once and be in my own little world. For example, when I am reading a romance novel, you are imagining everything in your head and you can’t help but be bubbly even though you are just reading the book. It is as if you are part of the book in a way. Fiction allows you as the reader to feel an emotion and is something that can easily grab your emotions.
I, myself as a reader allow my emotions to get attached to it. I can feel sadness, anger, etc. either for the character or with the character. But that is the fun part about reading a book though, you get so into it.
We need these stories a lot, because books offer a moral value. When reading a book, you are entitles to think “This guy is stupid, why did he do such a thing?” You figure out the wrongs and rights when you are reading along with what you believe in and side with.

itx_shengyi said...

I really can’t pin point who I really agree with only because everyone mainly agrees on the same things. But I would have to agree with “jimmyshoe”. Fiction can be our own way of venting out our feelings along with expressing them. It’s always fun to let your imagination run wild and be able to think of what you could do without the consequences of getting in trouble. For example, when you are angry and want to punch someone, it’s always safer to imagine yourself punching them than to really do such a thing. I also agree that without imagination life would be quiet boring because it will always be the same things over and over again. Fiction allows our brains to do such a thing.

Anonymous said...

Well… everyone just about took everything I had to say about fiction. To state my ideas now would seem as though I’m just copying everyone else. I’ll try to be different…

Fiction allows us to escape reality and enter a world of boundless imagination. I think people use fiction in many different ways, for example someone may use fictional stories to counter balance what is not reality, to fulfill things not possible in their own lives. I think that’s why superheroes are so popular. People in reality are unable to do what superheroes can do but their dreams and fantasies of having super powers live because of stories like Spiderman and Wonder Woman.

I think another thing that fiction leads us to do is ask questions. We can question about that possibilities of certain things happening in reality. Reality answers those questions but fiction is what enables us to ask them. When the movie Spiderman 3 came out the History channel aired this show about the possibilities of a person actually being a Spiderman. It was interesting to see that it is possible for a human to similar characteristics of Spiderman. This shows how fiction leads us to ask questions and reality answers them. In a way fiction expands our reality…

Anonymous said...

I like Isaias, agree with Estefania. She does “paint that picture very well.” I agree with almost everything Estefania states about fiction, except I kind of disagree that fiction is what keeps us sane. I understand what you mean when you say “the world isn’t a perfect place and it’s only natural to want to escape for a little while” but not all fiction is good. There are fictional stories in which things aren’t great like in 1984 or A Brave New World. In these situations why do you think the author chooses to create a fictional story instead of a plain old realistic one?

Anonymous said...

FICTION...Is what makes up everything in this world. Fiction is what gives us hope. Its a way where we can use our imagination in order to explore new horizons. Fiction gives us life. I agree with Wojciech when he says, "Without it, our world would be so bleek and pointless." If fiction didnt exisist then we wouldnt have nothing to look foward to in this world. Just like he said that there wouldnt be any automobiles or airplanes if there wasnt any fiction behind all of this. Since fiction is a thought you have that not at all times exisist or is tangible but if you believe in it...then it can become non-fiction. It's like the first step to success! Sometimes we just need fiction to keep our dreams alive or to destract ourselves a little bit when we our emotions are down. Fiction is a very important aspect in the world of love. In love because sometimes things dont go the way you wished they did and you use ur fictionist imagination to believe in the things like the "what ifs". But sometimes our fictionist thaughts may cause us to take crazy impulses and do things we never done before. Fiction is what makes each and everyone of us unique in this world.

--->♥ivonne alvarez♥<---

Oliver said...

Abraham Ruiz, I agree with you. Fiction is human nature. We use fiction to escape from almost everything. It can make us happy because fictional world lets us do anything we want. We can defeat our imaginery foes. At the same time, it can make us sad, but still. We can escape this sadness in one second.

Rob a.k.a. the chocalate crusader said...

I agree with miss Jami when she says that fiction is an escape to examine someone elses problems because they are not your own. Reading about a distant fictional story distances us from our own personal lives.

I also want to respond to Devlin. There's definately a difference between realistic fiction and fantasy. But what about magical realism, which is a combination of realistic fiction and fantasy. although stories like Harry Potter consists of a lot of imaginary elements, they could still be relatable and teach certain things. In other words they could be taken just as seriously.

Rob a.k.a. the chocalate crusader said...

To Lori
I couldn't have said it better:D

LC18 said...

Fiction matters because it is something invented by someones imagination. Without fiction life would be dull and boring. Fiction makes us look beyond the normal thoughts and ideas of society and lets us explore the unexplainable.

Many of the books that I read are fiction and I believe that reading non-fiction books all the time would be boring. Fictional books allow us to expand our minds and the way people look at different situations. Fiction does not only explore the unexplainable but it also explores the realities of life.

LC18 said...

In response to Chocolate lady I completely agree thst fiction is a way of escaping from the real world. Now that were older and have more responsibilites we don't have as much time to explore fiction and imagine what could be. I think that it is important to take a break from the stress in our lives once and while and be able to imagine the possibilities of another world.

Laura C.

nallely said...

I believe that fiction is what makes life more entertaining. When we read fiction it's like we are in a different world. I would read a story about a guy who falls in love to see how the author interprets love. Not only would I read a fiction of that kind because of the interpretation but also because of the emotion and the realism that the story might convey. Stories are created to make every day life interesting. Fiction adds color in a black and white world. Personally I read stories because I love to get away from the real world and put myself in the characters place, thinking if I would do what they did in certain situations. Math may build bridges, and science may cure disease, but neither can create a new world or an adventure and bring the thrill that reading fiction does.

Precious B said...

To me, fiction is everything. We use fiction in our everyday lives. The known definition of fiction is something that isn't real. What about all of the inventions we have today? They all started in someone's mind. They weren't real yet. How else would we know about situations that go on daily or that even occurred in history? Fiction movies and stories are constantly on the release, bringing us closer to conclusions. Like the movie Pearl Harbor about the war, and What's Love Got to Do With It? about Tina Turner. The theory about dinosaurs is even fiction. No one really knows what dinosaurs looked like, but from research scientists were able to make generalizations. Fiction is even used for bad reasons. Stereotypes are fiction. I don't want to be controversial, but there's a stereotype that says all blondes are dumb. That a fiction generalization. How do we know that absolutely every blonde on Earth is dumb. We even have those fiction books that stretch our minds and expand our imagination. You can picture anything you want to with fiction. Fiction is a very important part of everyone's life. Ms. Levine, I finally was able to get through. Sorry it took so long.